5 Worst Right Wingers On Youtube

Image result for Sargon of AkkadImage result for Yaron Brook

Okay hands up for the past few years I admit, I have been focusing a bit too much on the people I despise on the left like Anita Sarkeesian, Linda Sarsour, and Owen Jones.

The left has fallen under the influence of neoliberalism which has ironically undermined true left wing politics through association. Many young people will have taken one look at activists throwing trash cans, and pepper spraying women in the eyes when they don’t get their own way, spewing the most disgusting bigotry against white men, and being happy to ruin a man’s life over a joke about a dog doing a Nazi salute and thought…. That’s the last thing they want to be!

Still the right, that many people are sadly turning to are not a suitable alternative as I will explore in this article. The right in my opinion would be every bit as fascistic, bigoted, intolerant and tribal as the worst of the left currently are if they had the same kind of social influence as neoliberals, and that’s why I think its important to debunk them now.

Rather than just trade left wing identity politics for right wing tribalism, we need to provide a suitable alternative that looks at the best political options in a practical and even handed way.

5/ Sargon of Akkad

Image result for Sargon of Akkad

I used to quite like Sargon’s videos and even used a few of them as references in some of my earlier articles. However my respect for him has diminished gradually over the last year or so until now I’d regard him as nothing more than a right wing SJW.

Unlike many of the others on this list. It must be mentioned that Sargon has done good things in the past.

He has rightfully criticized bigots, fanatics and chancers on the left such as Anita Sarkeesian, whilst still defending genuinely socialist ideas such as the NHS and the welfare state.

I’m quite a socialist in some ways. I like the idea of socialised healthcare and welfare”

“In most cases, poverty is something that happens to you, not something that you choose. You’ve got to to get this notion that these are just lazy and feckless individuals out of your mind. They’re not. They’re working full time just to maintain the bare minimum. I don’t see why a bit of compassion is out of order. If it were you in their position, unable to catch a break, unable to get off the bottom rung, are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that you would say the blame lies entirely with you and none of it lies on the system within which you are trapped?”

In addition to this he also supported Bernie Sanders until Hillary torpedoed his chances.

He also did fantastic work in debunking the mainstream media’s bullshit claims about Assad launching a chemical attack on Syria in 2017 in the two part series. “A Tale of Two Narratives”.

I can’t recommend this mini series enough. Its in all fairness probably the best debunking of the media’s claims about Syria I have ever seen. 

Sargon is also a supporter of gay marriage, and has also openly criticized the bigoted and pseudo scientific idea of race realism. He also recently supported the youtuber Mark Meechan, better known as Count Dankula when he was unfairly fined for making his pug perform a Nazi salute as a joke to wind up his girlfriend. Dankula made the dog perform a Nazi salute because it was the worst thing he could think of to make his dog do, because he was tired of his girlfriend going on about how cute the dog was. The entire joke depended on the idea that the Nazis were evil, yet he was still accused of somehow promoting Nazism!

Of course a more cynical view might be that Sargon of Akkad is simply a sell out, as he is more likely to get his money from the right.

Whatever the case Sargon is now such a fanatic in his hatred of socialists and communists that he is happy to tar them all as evil and even defend people who have silenced, tortured and killed socialists and communists in the past.

Sargon has outright said several times that if you are a communist, then you are a bad person, refused to listen to a communists idea of what is amoral in a debate on the grounds that all communists are amoral, and has expressed admiration for Joseph McCarthy of all people.

Sargon also said in another video when talking about communists that he wants McCarthy back!

Worse than his defense of McCarthy is Sargon’s apologism for Pinochet. He has regularly attempted to downplay the horrors carried out by Pinochet and dismissed his victims as being communists who got what they deserved. He even said that all Pinochet did was “take care of his communist problem”. Worst of all in one of his most recent videos, Sargon said that all Pinochet did was kill 400 communists. Leaving aside the fact that he killed far more than just 400 people.

Is Sargon honestly saying that it didn’t matter that Pinochet killed 400 people, simply because they were communists?

Sargon is now ironically just the right wing version of all the things he claims to hate about the left.

Like the worst people on the left Sargon is against free speech and perfectly happy for people he doesn’t like being shut down. His support of Joseph McCarthy alone shows this.

McCarthy was exactly the same as the people who wanted to lock Count Dankula up for making a joke, or the rabid feminists who got the likes of Tim Hunt fired and blacklisted for making a comment they found offensive.

Like them McCarthy got people fired for expressing political views he found offensive, he blacklisted people to the point where they could never work again. Many people’s careers and lives were completely ruined by McCarthy’s actions.

McCarthy was also such a fanatic like many (not all) modern day feminists that he would tar people as the most extreme thing at the drop of a hat. Anyone with even the most mild liberal or left wing views was slimed as a communist threat to America by McCarthy, the same way anyone with any criticisms of modern feminists is dubbed a woman hating piece of scum.

See here, what the guy who did nothing wrong in Sargon’s opinion was actually like.

Victims of McCarthyism

The Injustice of McCarthyism America

Threat of McCarthyism

Sargon doesn’t mind, in fact he supports these types of attacks on free speech, because they are against people who don’t share the same beliefs as he does like Count Dankula and Tommy Robinson. With this in mind how can anyone ever take him seriously when he claims to support free speech again?

Furthermore Sargon also famously blasted people like Jeremy Corbyn who defended the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro on the grounds that they were defending a dictator, which is never acceptable. He regularly used this as a reason not to vote for Corbyn. At the same time however Sargon constantly tries to downplay Pinochet, another dictator’s disgusting crimes against humanity.

Hey Sargon if you’re reading this, these are some of the horrors Pinochet carried out against his people that you dismiss as “just getting rid of his communist problem.”

Life Under Pinochet: They Took It In Turns To Electrocute Us

How I Survived Torture Under Pinochet

Tales of Torture

Victims of Pinochet

Milton Friedman did not save Chile

Victims of Pinochet Identified

Pinochet Economic Miracle Debunked

Pinochet’s Economic Disaster

Pinochet’s forces trained to torture

1973 Stadium Massacre

How Pinochet Destroyed A Country

It’s tragic and disgusting that the people who suffered under Pinochet are being dismissed as getting what they deserved by Sargon who for all his talk of living in a police state could never begin to comprehend what victims of Pinochet went through.

Sargon is quite possibly one of the finest examples of the horse shoe effect. A man who claims to be a champion of free speech because he attacks left wing censors, yet praises the likes of Pinochet and Joseph McCarthy and essentially claims its okay to silence, black list, torture and kill communists.

Sargon is only not higher on this list because of the good things he has done in the past, but I think that sadly (and ironically) much like Steve Shives before him, he has gone so far down a certain ideological path that he is almost a caricature of his former self.

4/ Ben Shapiro

Image result for ben shapiro

Ben Shapiro’s attitude towards the poor would make Prince John blush.

To start with Ben Shapiro believes that national healthcare is a selfish concept simply because he is forced to part with some of his wealth to support it.

See here.

Healthcare is not a commodity. It’s a matter of life and death. Shapiro is actually happy with someone who say comes from an impoverished background, works a 10 hour shift in a Dickensian call center for barely above the minimum wage, to not be able to afford a life saving operation, simply so he doesn’t have to part with some of his money.

Private Health Care Killed My Husband

This Is How American Healthcare Kills People

How dare these selfish bastards want life saving healthcare.

Shapiro also has said that those who are poor for their entire lives deserve it simply because they made bad decisions.

5th of UK children in poverty in the UK

Sharp rise in poverty among pensioners and children

Is Shapiro honestly saying that children born into poor families in impoverished areas aren’t going to have a harder time than say Scarlett Johanson’s daughter?

This is before we get to people who are disabled, or ill, who Shapiro would just dismiss as not working as hard as he does (quite ironic for a man who has never actually had a real job in his life.)

Poverty rates among disabled

Half of people living in poverty are disabled

Quality of Life for the Disabled in Britain

Disability and poverty a vicious cycle

Right wingers like Ben Shapiro always try and frame rich vs poor as being so simplistic. In their mind its just lazy bastards at the bottom who didn’t work as hard as those at the top.

They don’t take into account wealth that is inherited, why conditions for those at the bottom are much poorer than they need to be, and worst of all come up with the most ridiculous strawman examples of things like ” a socialist would want to take away JK Rowling’s money and give it to a junkie lowlife on the streets who hasn’t done a days work in their life.”

No one is saying string up Paul McCartney and throw his possessions to the rabble apart from true psychopathic fanatics.

However at the same time there is absolutely no reason why wages cannot be improved for those at the bottom, working hours cannot be lessened, and safety nets such as the welfare state and the NHS can’t be installed. The likes of Shapiro would say that the welfare state is terrible and needs abolished because its completely unfair when people on benefits make more money than those who actually work.

Obviously I’m not denying that is the case with some people on benefits, but you get round that by improving wages and conditions for people who do work, not in taking away a safety net for those who do genuinely need it. Why should someone who is genuinely unable to get a job such as this person here.

Be made to suffer because of benefit cheats? All the while those who still work 12 hour shifts for barely above the minimum wage, are still working in the most Dickensian conditions without any kind of a social life, and are still struggling to pay for life saving health care simply because they apparently didn’t work as hard as Ben Shapiro? Yeah it seems being a nurse and helping to save people’s lives isn’t as worthwhile a contribution as boasting about how your wife is a doctor and spewing poison against the underprivileged for a couple of hours a week on some lame youtube series.

Nurses Need Better Working Conditions

Why the 8 Hour Working Day Doesn’t Work

Living Wages Still Not Enough For Most Families

Is working long hours bad for your heart

British people work an average of 469 unpaid hours a year

Being on a zero hours contract is bad for your health

Indian slave children making clothes for Gap

Child labout in the 21st century

Even with insurance, most Americans still struggle to afford health care

Disabled Man Starved To Death

Austerity leads to thousands of deaths

Construction Fatalities Rise

Effects of bedroom tax on children

Scale of foodbank use in the United Kingdom

Also not all of those at the top are there simply because they worked the hardest either. Leaving aside inherited wealth, many of the most powerful companies in western society have reached the top through simply monopolising a brand. I’m not saying that is always the case of course, but still this idea that its all just hard working entrepreneurs who got to the top on their own merit that the likes of Shapiro promote is laughably naive.

The Microsoft Bully is back

There are clearly problems with the capitalist system. As much as the likes of Sargon and Ben Shapiro would love to us to believe that it’s perfect and it’s just lazy bastards who can’t succeed. Capitalism is a system that allows larger companies to monopolise others regardless of whether they produce the best product or not, leads to people being exploited for their labour under some of the worst conditions, and leads to the most vulnerable people living in obscene poverty and not having access to medical care that could save their lives.

Ben Shapiro however dismisses all of these problems because he is at heart a selfish miser and uses the most ridiculous frog logic to try and justify his own cheapness.

How right wing SJWs like Ben Shapiro, Stefan Molyneux, the Academic Agent, and Yaron Brook see themselves.

How the rest of us see them.

3/ Jordan Peterson

Image result for Jordan Peterson

I used to have some respect for Peterson. Like many people I first heard about Peterson when he made a stand against censorship laws in Toronto in 2016. I watched a few more of his videos sporadically and he generally seemed to be okay. I knew he was far more right wing than I was from the start,  but it was only when I started to look deeper into his work that I came to view him as a right wing fanatic.

His hatred of communists and socialists alone exposes his hypocrisy. Peterson has said on many occasions that anyone who says that in the countries where communism failed, they just weren’t doing it right, should be punched in the face. He also said that they should never be forgiven for expressing such views. Of course how intends to make sure they can never be forgiven is anyone’s guess. Blacklisted perhaps? A big red C stamped over their passport?

See here.

Go to roughly twenty minutes in to see his hysterical threat to punch out Marxists.

Oh the irony for a man who first shot to fame for being a champion of free speech to say such a thing. Imagine if a leftist said this about conservatives? Ironically Jordan Peterson would be the first person to complain about how they want to destroy our freedom of speech.

Jordan Peterson’s remarks are also hypocritical in that the whole “they just weren’t doing it right” argument that leftists use to cover up the horrors of communism, is also used by capitalists and right wingers to hand wave the horrors that capitalism is still causing.

In this video Paul Joseph Watson uses the “they just weren’t doing it right argument” for capitalism. Do you want to punch him out Peterson for ignoring things like the Vietnam war, the Iraq war, the Libyan crisis, the Hiroshima bomb, the dark satanic mills, the first world war etc.

The great irony is that capitalism has led to more deaths around the world than communism.

Capitalism is the religion of peace.

Of course I am not trying to say that communism isn’t open to corruption either. Even though I identify as a socialist, I do think that communism and socialism are open to fascism as they wish to hand over everything to the government. However capitalism is too as it allows those at the top to dominate through a monopoly and also ironically leads to globalism. After all a company has to expand and be the best beyond its home country. All the people that the likes of Sargon and Peterson despise are ironically capitalists, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, etc. They simply want to do what any good capitalist wants, to monopolise their power on a global scale.

Capitalism also leads to a waste of resources and pollution of the environment too as products are constantly being replaced, not because they have to, but simply so that companies can sell the latest version of their product.

Devastation of Capitalism to our environment

Capitalism has to grow in order to survive and considering that we don’t live on an infinite planet, with an infinite amount of resources then it doesn’t take a genius to work out that capitalism will eventually collapse.

Finally a total capitalist system also leads to those at the bottom being left out in the cold, as profits are valued more than human lives.

In my opinion a mixed economy leaning more towards a socialist one is the best solution. There should be safety nets installed for everybody, such as the NHS, and the welfare state. I also support re-nationalisation of the railways, and of resources such as gas and electricity. However I don’t believe in handing over total power to the government. Obviously some things should remain private. Again no one is going to say that a restaurant, or a little corner shop should be owned by the government for instance.

In my opinion a mixed economy though obviously not perfect (no system is.) Is nevertheless the best alternative, and we can see this when we compare how well the United Kingdom flourished under a more mixed, left leaning economy after World War 2 to how it later crashed and burned under the capitalistic Thatcher government.

China which also utilizes a more mixed economy model lifts more people out of poverty than any other country every year.

China has lifted over 800 million people out of poverty in the last 20 years.

China Lifts Over 800 Million People Out of Poverty

This is not to say China is perfect. It is still a dictatorship, and unlike Sargon with Pinochet victims. I would never dream of dismissing the victims of China’s totalitarian regime as deserving it, or just pretend that they don’t exist. However whilst China may lack behind the west in other key areas, in terms of its economic model it is far superior to any capitalist system.

Sadly a mixed economy can never happen because of the foaming at the mouth leftists who refuse to acknowledge any faults with their chosen political systems, and the Jordan Peterson’s on the other side, who similarly want to punch out anyone with any pro socialist or communist ideas. (Again taking him at his own words.)

As far as I’m concerned, if the likes of Jordan Peterson had the social power that the SJWs like Owen Jones have, they’d be no better. Just replace misogynist or Islamophobe with communist and we’d be in the same situation.

In addition to this Peterson is also a proponent of race realism too.

Now I am not saying that Peterson is a Nazi, but I do think that race realism is a very dangerous path to go down.

To start with I think its nothing more than pseudo, cod science and ultimately an excuse for racist attitudes with no real basis in fact.

The Unwelcome Revival of Race Realism

I am not saying that all cultures are equal, but there are many more complex reasons for why some cultures lag behind others.

Natural resources, the influence of a particular ideology, social developments etc, all contribute towards the development of a culture overall. For instance my country Scotland has contributed a disproportionately large amount to the world in terms of science, technology and art.

49 wonderful gifts Scotland gave the world

101 inventions Scotland gave the world

The Scots invention of the modern world

Image result for winston churchill scotland quote

The simple race realist analysis as to why the Scots have contributed so much to the world would be that they are born smarter than everyone else.

In truth however the reason the Scots are over represented compared to other small nations among inventors and scientists is simply because we were among the first nations to introduce free and universal education for our people.

Compare Scotland to a country where a backwards ideology is in charge such as Wahhabism. The people born and raised under that culture are obviously not going to contribute much to humanity as a whole, but again that’s solely because of the culture and society rather than the genetics of its people. In Scotland’s case, the culture and society ensures everyone can learn how to read or write, whilst in the case of the Wahhabi culture, it strives to keep its people ignorant to survive.

Race realism not only oversimplifies the histories and influences of ideologies on certain cultures, but it also tries to make out that certain races will always be at the bottom no matter what. Indeed Peterson even makes an argument in this video that the people with the lowest IQs (which according to him, means the majority of black people) cannot be trained to ever be in higher paid jobs or positions in society.

Now I’m not saying Peterson advocates for persecution or extermination of black people, or anything extreme like that, but its not hard to see how if Peterson’s ideas of black people being on average stupid and never being able to improve as a group became received wisdom. Then we could easily see genuine racists use Peterson’s ideas as justification for actual persecution.

It doesn’t help that in various videos Peterson refers to those with IQ’s below 85 as a problem that we need to deal with. Again not saying that he wants to kill them, but its not hard to see how that level of thinking of “the Untermensch with low IQ are a drain on society” coupled with the fact that Peterson is trying to associate low IQ with particular ethnic groups could lead us down a very dangerous path.

Its really just a stepping stone from “these people are on average useless, and a drain” to lets get rid of them. In this respect I find Peterson to be an objectionable and poisonous influence on modern political discourse.

Once again Peterson is also really no different to the SJWs he rallies against. They whip up racial tensions by trying to apply negative characteristics to all or most white people. In their case it’s all white people are racist.

Why are white people so defensive?

Transgender model accused all men of being racist

Peterson is essentially the same except replace white with black and racist with stupid.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that there aren’t problems with the black community in places such as New York, but those are once again cultural and societal. The ghetto culture’s influence on the black community for instance needs stomped out pronto. However just simply writing black people off as stupid and never being able on average to be as productive members of society is as bad as Munroe Bergdoff saying that all white people are racist.

Finally Jordan Peterson is also in other areas something of a quack. His ideas about dieting for instance are laughable. Peterson apparently eats nothing but meat and claimed that when he had a single glass of apple cider he didn’t sleep for 25 days.

It amazes me that he actually thinks that people will believe that he went an entire month without sleeping!

Jordan Peterson is really nothing more than a right wing SJW that the right have adopted as their spokesperson simply because he is a professor. In their minds because he can therefore give some “legitimacy” to their absurd claims about race realism, socialism etc, more than say Stefan Molyneux.

2/ Stefan Molyneux

Image result for stefan molyneux

It’s hard to pick out just one thing wrong with Molyneux. From his revolting attitudes towards women, his sneering, superior attitude towards the poor and underprivileged, to his promotion of race realism.

Molyneux has claimed that most of the problems of the world are caused by women choosing assholes and that we need to hold these women responsible (of course how he intends to hold these women accountable is anyone’s guess? Personally though I hope we never find out.)

“Women who choose assholes will fucking end this race. They will fucking end this human race, unless we don’t start holding them A-fucking-countable.”

“Look women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality, sociopathy. All the cold hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes. And I don’t know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing assholes.

“If asshole wasn’t a great reproductive strategy it would have been gone long ago. Women keep that black bastard flame alive. If women choose nice guys over assholes we would have a glorious and peaceful world in one generation.”

“Stop fucking monsters we get a great world. Keep fucking monsters, we get catastrophes, we get war, we get nuclear weapons, we get national debt, we get incarcerations, and prison guards and all the other florid assholes who rule the world.”

Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil? And then you know what they say? Poor me I’m a victim.”

Molyneux also pushes race realism too and claims that a truly egalitarian society will never happen because some people are genetically less intelligent. He says that that is a good thing however, as not everyone should be equal and uses such ridiculous arguments as because some people are better Basketball players then not everyone deserves to be treated equally. He uses a similar argument as to why the poor deserve to be poor too. Basically in Molyneux’s opinion because some people are better at sports, the poor shouldn’t be entitled to life saving healthcare!

Molyneux also tends to generalise those at the bottom as being lazy, fat bums, too stupid to go out and get a high paying job. This coupled with the fact that he feels certain minorities just aren’t on other groups level intellectually demonstrates a sneering “untermensch” attitude towards certain groups in society.

Molyneux and other race realists like Jordan Peterson will often try and justify saying that some races are less intelligent than others as not being racist, because intelligence isn’t the only value a person can have.

Not only would Molyneux and those with a similar mindset’s opinions still be racist if they actually believed this, but Molyneux also frequently talks of how low IQ people are a drain on society anyway.

Okay Molyneux may defer to certain other ethnic groups as having a higher IQ than whites, but that doesn’t mean he still doesn’t hold blacks and those he regards at the very bottom as being useless drains on any society they are a part of which makes him a dangerous peddler of toxic, racist ideas.

Stefan Molyneux is also a massive hypocrite in many of his opinions too. For instance when defending Ayn Rand, he laughs at those who point out Rand’s hypocrisy in going on benefits at the end of her life as not having a rebuttal to her arguments because they are attacking her private life.

Molyneux meanwhile did an entire video attacking Karl Marx’s personal life, mocking the fact that he was unemployed for large sections of his life, the fact that he was an alcoholic, and the fact that he had boils on his arse!

In fact Molyneux outright said that because of Marx’s disastrous personal life we can’t accept any of his teachings. He compared Marx’s teachings to a diet book with a fat man on the cover. The same must be true of Ayn Rand then who despite despising socialism relied on socialised welfare and healthcare in the final years of her life?

Its also ironic that Molyneux despises those who rely on hand outs and benefits, when he ends just about every single one of his videos practically begging for cash

Oh the irony! Maybe you should just get a job Stefan? I mean the free market works for everyone.

1/ Yaron Brook

Image result for yaron brook

Mr iphone himself.

Yaron Brook is digital age, snake oil salesman who travels the world trying to justify being a selfish, miserly, tax dodging, cheat to halls of naive young students. Anything to avoid a real job, eh Yaron?

Yaron tries to justify only caring about himself by actually claiming that selfishness is virtuous because you don’t ask anyone else for help. He also much like Molyneux promotes the naive idea that all of those at the top are just honest businessmen. Again I’m not trying to tar all of the successful as just being parasites, but surely there is a happy limit between acknowledging that its wrong to let big businesses monopolise basic resources such as gas and electricity and transport, and not wanting to nationalise every single aspect of society?

Brook’s arguments tend to be very simplistic and hollow. He tends to dismiss ALL leftists under the blanket term of Cultural Marxism. To be fair he is far from the only right winger who does this, but still once again its an interesting example of the horse shoe effect. Cultural Marxism is to the right what the alt right is to the left.

They are both the insidious group that wants to destroy our society that you can dismiss anyone you remotely disagree with as being part of.

Almost all of Yaron’s arguments come down to his iphone. Seriously just watch any of his lectures. No matter what the subject, the NHS, the welfare state, why socialism doesn’t work, why Ayan Rand was an unsung genius etc. It ALL comes back to his iphone.

The great irony is that whilst Brook uses the iphone as proof of why capitalism works, and why private businesses are the best model for success. The iphone was actually created by the state!

Love Your IPhone Thank The US Government

Why The State Is The Hero of Innovation

Look at the phone in your hand and thank the state

Yaron Brook is also the head of the Ayn Rand institute which explains everything really. Ayn Rand is simply philosophy for the selfish. Aside from being a terrible, hack author, Ayn Rand advocated a survival of the fittest attitude to explain inequality in society, dismissing those at the bottom as deserving it for not being as strong or intelligent.

With this in mind it makes perfect sense that Yaron would devote himself to this ideology as its basically a way for him through some cod philosophy to try and justify not paying his taxes.

Yaron Brook for me is the worst right winger on youtube, as all he cares about is himself. With Sargon and Jordan Peterson, as obnoxious as they might be, at the very least I get the feeling that they actually believe what they say. They do believe that they are making the world a better place (as laughable as that may sound.)

However all Yaron cares about is himself and not having to part with a single penny, which again makes him the perfect poster boy or Ayn Rand.

Thanks for reading.

3 thoughts on “5 Worst Right Wingers On Youtube

  1. I raised my children to judge individuals not groups. To judge on actions – not race, religion or colour. Glad I got in before the victim industry took up its cudgels and beat us over the head with them. .


    • To be honest, nowhere. He’s kind of irrelevant to me. I think if he wins it probably won’t make much of a difference either way as the dems and the republicans are both so corrupt and crooked. It’s weird though how Stefan Molyneux has just faded away into nothing. I’m not sure anyone even remembers him know. As much as I despised him and every single thing he stood for, I don’t think it was right to cancel him.


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