Mulan and the Hypocrisy of Anti SJWs: The Horseshoe Effect.

Mulan' Actress Liu Yifei Dazzles in Elie Saab at Premiere [PHOTOS] – WWD
A victim of right wing cancel culture.

In yet another fine example of why the foaming at the mouth left and right are exactly the same thing, the right have recently supported a boycott of Disney’s reboot of Mulan.

The reason, its leading actress Liu Yifei expressed support for the Hong Kong police against the rioters on social media.

I support the Hong Kong police. You can beat me now. What a shame for Hong Kong,”

Naturally many of the anti SJWs who are normally opposed to cancel culture, who stood up for Gina Carano when SJWs tried to get her fired from another Disney production, The Mandolarin simply for expressing a political opinion, are either as silent as ghosts for Liu Yifei, or are actually supporting the boycott against her.

See here from a youtuber named JosiahRises who is normally opposed to Cancel Culture.

Meanwhile here are his opinions about SJWs getting people banned.

I guess freedom of speech doesn’t apply for Liu Yifei whose career he has been happy to help torpedo.

Now you might be thinking that I am being hypocritical as I dislike the politics in the Jodie Whittaker era of Doctor Who and have openly criticised it, but to start with not once have I called on Jodie or any of the cast to be blacklisted and second I dislike how the politics are implemented into the series itself.

It’s not a question of Jodie said some things online that I disagree with and I won’t watch the show. I dislike the way that the politics in the series take precedence over the story, the way that characters like the Doctor and the Masters backstories are being rewritten and destroyed simply for a political agenda etc.

With Liu meanwhile the backlash against her, doesn’t even have anything to do with the film. It is simply because she expressed an opinion the anti SJWs don’t like outside of her work on the film, that they want to ruin her.

And they are trying to ruin her. They are helping to make her the fall figure for the film’s poor box office performance. I haven’t seen the film. It may be another bland, boring, pointless reboot and I certainly have no love for Disney. That’s the point however this will not harm Disney in the long run. All that will happen is that Disney will instead pin all of the blame on Liu Yifei thanks to the boycott against her comments. What other film studio will want to hire her if it’s known that people won’t even give her performances a chance because of her political opinions? She has more or less been blacklisted already. She hasn’t been judged on her acting, she hasn’t even been judged on the quality of the film she starred in.

There’s no doubt that Liu had expressed a support for the American police against Black Lives Matter, or criticised identity politics, or said there are only 2 genders and if it were rabid SJW fans like Mr Tardis Reviews calling for her to be boycotted, people like JosiahRises would be white knighting for her and calling her a badass standing up for free speech.

Essentially the anti SJWs, or the right are exactly the same as those they rally against. Both can’t stand contrary opinions. The only difference is that the left currently have more social and cultural power, so the right seem like the under dogs. Furthermore in regards to the sci fi and fantasy fandom, the left are currently the fanatics destroying major franchises like Doctor Who and Star Trek, so many otherwise impartial people will side with the right, assuming they are at least more reasonable.

In time however this dynamic could easily shift and when it does as seen with Liu anyone who expresses an opinion the right, the apparent advocates of free speech don’t like will be silenced without any hint of irony.

The smearing of Liu as a communist is also classic SJW behaviour too. SJWs will smear anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest as the most extreme thing, Nazis, alt right, misogynists etc.

(I have been a victim of this as my latest article on the toxicity in the Doctor Who fandom attests, where I was smeared as a misogynistic alt right shill on Gallifrey Base, compared to Mussolini and told to kill myself by Elizabeth Sandifier, a notorious SJW lunatic for criticising the Jodie Whittaker era.)

The right meanwhile have proven to be no better the way they smear almost anyone as a communist if they express even the mildest left wing views or contrary opinions, like Liu being critical of the protesters.

The Hong Kong protests were a somewhat complicated issue that was like many others stoked up by fake news and political opportunists.

See here.

Yet because China is seen as a communist country. (In reality its economic system is somewhat more complicated than that.) Then anyone who defends its actions in any situation like Liu must automatically be a dirty communist in the rights eyes.

Even if like Liu they are opposed to things the right claim to be against, like violent protests, fake news sowing division, then it doesn’t matter. If all of those things are applied to dirty Commies, then the right view it as a good thing!

I remember seeing Dave Cullen, a notorious right wing youtuber who spent an entire year trashing CNN for their biased coverage of Clinton and Trump, cite CNN as a reference against the Hong Kong police.

Liu isn’t the only victim of the right’s dogma however. ShoeOnHead a popular left of centre youtuber was recently smeared as a socialist/communist for simply associating with a socialist on youtube.

It’s funny that Sargon of all people who has associated with the likes of Yaron Brook,a notorious right winger who wants to destroy the NHS and Stefan Molyneux, a race realist, who has made deranged posts about women, would criticise Shoe on the basis of who she associates with.

You can see how the right have the same tribalistic attitude that the left have of you’re either with us or against us?

I’ve often said that ideologies like capitalism and socialism have replaced religion in terms of being a dogmatic cult that people will adhere to regardless of principles.

Why can’t politics be viewed in a more impartial, logical way? I wouldn’t say I am a complete socialist in that I don’t believe in handing over all power to the government. I think that in this scenario the government ends up replacing the large co-operations that are able to dominate in an unchecked capitalist environment.

I am more than happy for independent businesses that manufacture their own products to remain free. However I agree with many socialist policies like universal health care, welfare, I believe in renationalising the roads, railways, resources like gas and electricity.

I think Capitalism is extremely flawed as a system, and it has not only caused an incredible loss of life around the world, but even in the countries it is deemed a success, Britain and America, it is crashing and burning. Covid has accelerated the downfall of the system, but even before then poverty rates and unemployment were shockingly bad. (Particularly among the disabled.)

China meanwhile with its more mixed economy model lifts more people out of poverty every year than any other country.

Now again I’m not saying there aren’t problems in China in regards to free speech and censorship. Obviously there are, but that doesn’t mean that the economic model in China hasn’t been successful. Also once again America and Britain are hardly squeaky clean when it comes to free speech. Ask Julian Assange, if he ever gets released, or hasn’t been broken by the physical and mental torture he has endured.

For saying all of these things however I would probably be labelled a dirty communist by your average right wing shit lord, the same way the lovely people on Gallifrey Base accused me of being a disgusting woman hating alt right piece of shit.

Both view their political ideologies as religions and will defend them regardless of whether or not it violates their beliefs. Hence Sargon lambasting the left for canonizing Fidel Castro a brutal dictator, whilst praising Agusto Pinochet, a brutal dictator, or Dave Cullen warning us about fake news about Trump from CNN and then using CNN’s reports of China a proof of how corrupt it is, or JosiahRises warning us about cancel culture, whilst using cancel culture to smear and blacklist an actress who said something supportive about those pesky commies.

At the end of the day you should always stick up for what you believe in regardless of whether the cult like political mob you have chosen to associate with is for or against it. If you truly are against cancel culture, and for freedom of speech then you will have to support Liu Yifei who is as much a victim of cancel culture as Gina Carano.

I will continue to support both actresses because I am opposed to cancel culture regardless. Let’s see how many right wingers who are willing to do the same

Mulan' star Liu Yifei: Everything to know about the Chinese actress |
Evil commie bitch.

7 thoughts on “Mulan and the Hypocrisy of Anti SJWs: The Horseshoe Effect.

  1. Right-Wing cancel culture? Never thought that would be a thing. Most of the time when right-wingers complain about shit, they usually get laughed off. They rarely, if ever, get their way as much as left-wing moral guardians. I’ve also heard that some people are boycotting this movie because it was filmed near some Uighur Concentration Camps & that disney openly thanked a CCP agency for adminstring the camps;
    By the way, this socialist Shoe0nHead is associating with? It wouldn’t happen to be Vaush would it? Because socialist or not, he’s really someone who I wouldn’t want to associate with.


    • Yes it is Vaush. I’ve looked into some of his stuff and he definitely isn’t someone I would cite or use, but again it’s a bit rich of Sargon who associates with guys like Molyneux.

      Right wingers are often laughed off, but in this instance they are being supported because there is so much hatred against China. I’m not going to defend the camps or their censorship,but I do feel that we are seeing a similar problem with China that we do with Russia. IE they are made into an evil super power that we can blame everything on. The right however whilst rightfully criticising it with Russia, are all for it because China are commies.

      Also as we are seeing the pendulum could very well change in a few years and we could get right wing cancel culture for the second time.

      Right wing cancel culture was a thing in the 50s with McCarthy and even after that we had people like Mary Whitehouse and the Comics Code Authority, right all banning things they found offensive.

      I’m doing a lot of research into China right now. It’s hard to get non biased sources.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Why Musical Numbers Didn't Make the Cut in New Mulan Movie

  3. sigh I am tired of people branding religion a cult that people just mindlessly goes along with. Yes the fundamentalists are like that but they’re a tiny percentage of religious people. Ironically anti-religion people keep branding anything they don’t like a cult. They say he things over and over again; like a cult.


    • Well I think if this recent culture war between SJWs and non SJWs shows us anything, it’s that dogma isn’t tied to religion. It’s tied to human tribalism and can rear its ugly head in politics, religion, even fandoms. People feel they have to belong to a little tribe and will attack anyone not in their tribe, whilst overlooking anything their tribe does wrong.

      I meanwhile am agnostic. I don’t follow any religion, but I hope there is something beyond humanity. At times though it torments me how hopeless our existence can seem. I get the need for a belief in something higher. Even Sam Harris said we can’t live by just reason alone.


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