Why Gina Carano Being Fired is Modern Day McCarthyism

Image result for gina carano
We love strong women, until they express opinions we don’t like, then we’ll make sure they are never heard from again.

It was announced that Lucas Films will be dismissing Gina Carano from her role in the Star Wars series The Mandalorian after her recent comments on Instagram were deemed offensive.

Sadly it came as no surprise to those of us who had been following the controversy surrounding Carano and the vicious attempts to derail her career from self indulgent, self righteous keyboard warriors, but I think this should be the final straw for cancel culture.

Carano is ironically everything the SJWs who have ruined her life claim to support. She is a strong woman who has enjoyed tremendous success in many different forms of entertainment from MMA (where she was a pioneer for women) to film and television.

Yet now not only has she lost the most high profile role of her career, but she has also been dropped by her agent and smeared in the mainstream media by Lucas films as being intolerant of other people’s religious beliefs and cultures.

Her career is in tatters for simply expressing some opinions outside of the show on her social media accounts.

In 2020, Carano simply refused to express support for Black Lives Matter. She didn’t condemn them completely, she simply did not want to be associated with them. Whilst there are obviously problems with police brutality and racism in America, BLM have proven time and time again to be a violent and extreme organisation.

At least up to 25 people lost their lives during the Black Lives Matters riots in 2020. For Carano not to want to associate with BLM is perfectly reasonable. It does not mean that she is a racist. At no point in her entire decade plus long career has Carano ever been accused of anything even remotely racist by any of her coworkers or fans, or been shown to have problems working with people from all ethnicities.

Suddenly however because she doesn’t want to express support for a violent organisation that means she must be tarred as a racist? That would be as absurd as me saying anyone who doesn’t support Scottish independence is a racist. (Less so actually as at least the SNP haven’t been responsible for mass riots that have killed people!)

Later in the year the woke Star Wars brigade demanded that Carano put her pronouns in her profile. (It does make me laugh how the woke fans will often comment on things like “fan entitlement”. I have never seen a more entitled group of cry bullies, than those who think they can actually demand an actor in a series do something or else there will be consequences. I guess they only like strong women as long as they aren’t too strong and think for themselves like Carano.)

Ultimately Carano refused as she thought it was stupid. At no point did she say she was against trans rights, or trans people, or anything like that. (She made that perfectly clear by stating that she supports trans lives.)

By simply not sticking her pronouns in her bio however, she was smeared as a transphobe! She later lightly poked fun at her critics by writing “beep, boop, bop” in her bio which led to numerous petitions and messages to Lucas films from angry Star Wars “fans” to fire Gina Carano.

The campaign continued relentlessly for months, during which time Carano expressed her opinion that the US election had been stolen from Trump. (I personally don’t agree, but it wouldn’t be the first time someone has made such an accusation. Lets not forget the conspiracy theories that are still ongoing about Russia stealing the election from Hillary Clinton in 2016 which other actors involved in the Star Wars franchise like Mark Hamill regularly tweeted about and supported yet faced no consequences for, as they shouldn’t of course, but you can see a double standard right away.)

Carano also expressed doubt about wearing masks to combat the COVID epidemic.

Finally the killing blow to Carano’s career came when she said that in some ways the treatment Republicans are getting is similar to what the Jewish population went through in Nazi Germany.

Here is Carano’s post.

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours… even by children… Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.

Now personally I think that she is being hyperbolic. It is true that politics have become so divided in America that people are turning on even their own family members, never mind neighbours.

Still even then it is inappropriate to compare things now to the horrors of Nazi Germany (though once again the woke brigade started this with their rants about how Trump is literally Hitler.)

Let’s all get ready to sink Sarah Silberman’s career for trivializing Hitler and the Nazis

Sadly however this proved to be too much for Lucas films and they finally caved to the irrational, bullying mob of keyboard warriors and within a few hours, Carano’s backstabbing agent also dropped her.

Here is the statement released by Lucas films.

“Her (Carano) social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable,”

At no point has Carano ever denigrated anyone based on their cultural or religious identities. At no point has Carano even discussed religion. This is a bare faced lie designed to make impartial people who might only glance at the story think that Carano has been peddling racist and bigoted comments about Jewish people.

You have to ask why are Lucas films deliberately lying and misrepresenting her comments? Could it be because if they reported what she has actually said, fair minded and rational people wouldn’t have a problem? They might not necessarily agree (which I don’t with her comments about Trump and Republicans to be fair.) However they wouldn’t want to completely ruin the woman, which is what has happened now with even her own agent abandoning her.

What we are seeing is history repeat itself, but rather than Nazism, it is a modern day reverse McCarthyism. In the 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy whipped up hysteria in the industry and among the public against the threat of communism. Anyone with even the mildest left wing views was tarred as the most extreme thing, a communist supporter of Joseph Stalin and they were fired from their jobs and blacklisted so they could never work again.

Many prominent actors, writers and directors careers were derailed for years, or finished completely and many people’s lives were destroyed as a result of McCarthyism.



Hilariously and tragically we are now seeing the left do exactly the same thing in reverse in the 2020s. Anyone who expresses even the mildest right wing views, or literally doesn’t dance to the pathetic whims of some sad sack fans who think they own the franchise is ruined.

Personally I think it’s time that the cowards who constantly cave to these bullies were held accountable. I think Carano’s agent should be named and shamed in the media for stabbing her in the back during her lowest eb. Other potential clients need to see what a cowardly Judas Carano’s agent is. I also think there should be a boycott of any future seasons of The Mandalorian and anything by those who decided to both fire and smear Carano in the media as “disrespecting other people’s religions” until either Carano is reinstated or Lucas films make a public apology.

(I think Carano should sue them for their comments if they don’t retract.)

It’s not simply enough to ignore SJWs anymore. They need to be shown that they can’t just ruin people’s lives and careers. Any time their toxic influence is imposed over a franchise, that franchise needs to be made to fail. People need to see that if they try and blacklist someone for their views, they will be the ones to face the consequences.

I’m sure some people will say this is hypocritical as now I am demanding a boycott, but this is not because of opinions Lucas films expressed. Plenty of celebrities I adore express opinions I don’t like. Lady Gaga supported Joe Biden, who I believe to be a creeper, war criminal and a blow to genuine progressive politics. Not once did I even criticise Lady Gaga for that, never mind attempt to ruin her career and smear her personally as the worst thing I could think of.

Lucas films have ruined Carano’s life. Not only have they fired her (Which always in ever area, makes it difficult for someone to find work after.) But they have smeared her in the media as disrespecting people’s religions and cultures, which will stick to her reputation and make others not want to work with her. They cannot be allowed to get away with that, and they cannot be allowed to set a precedent.

That’s what the SJWs don’t seem to get. If we can get someone fired for expressing opinions we don’t like, how long before someone takes offence at something you say?

I personally will never watch an episode of the Mandalorian again unless Carano is offered her job back. (Though if I was her I would spit it back in their faces after the cowardly, backstabbing way they treated her, but at the very least they should apologise and give her the offer.)

5 thoughts on “Why Gina Carano Being Fired is Modern Day McCarthyism

  1. A company not wanting to associate with someone who makes bad political takes and pushes anti mask garbage isn’t sjws trying to censorship, its just a company trying to protect its image. Thats capitalism, which i’m guessing you’re in favor of. Conservative Celebrities don’t get “cancelled” for wanting lower taxes or whatever, they receive consequences for their actions in situations like this. Stop playing the victim. Also its 2021 learn a new word that isn’t “sjw” this isn’t 2016

    Liked by 1 person

    • Okay thanks for demonstrating what I am always saying about how tribal and ignorant you SJWs, or regressive leftists, whatever you want to call them for practicality sake are.

      I don’t agree with an actress being sacked so that means I adore capitalism. How? The only way you could come to that conclusion is you see everything in black and white. Here’s another of my other posts.


      Yep I LOVE capitalism clearly.

      Also firing her isn’t protecting their business anyway. She was a hugely popular character who was fired to pander to a hate mob online.

      Also she wasn’t even fired for tweeting about Corona. It was for making a point about othering people, which is all you SJWs do.

      Carano IS a victim, she was someone who for months has been harrassed online, sent death threats and has now lost a job because of a bunch of self righteous keyboard warriors.

      Liked by 1 person

    • WOW what a nuanced and sophisticated argument. PS I’m not such a crybaby that I’ll help torpedo an actresses career because she disagreed with me. We love strong women, but only when they think how we want them too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. There is a growing coordinated effort to control all of us. If we don’t talk their talk, walk their walk, whoever “they” are, the puppet masters, then we’ll be outed, more so if we rise up the ladder.


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